Finding hope in India in the midst of chaos

India's official count of COVID-19 cases has surpassed the 20-million mark and infections have nearly doubled in the past three months, while deaths have passed 220-thousand.

Despite all of this Vijayesh Lal, general secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship of India says, there is still hope and God is still working despite the devastation they are surrounded by.

Triggers: Exchanging parents' angry reactions for gentle biblical responses

Parenting can be difficult even in the easiest of times and how we react in difficult situations can differ from household to household.

Wendy Speake says in many situations, the knee-jerk reactions and blow-ups parents are facing are often a result of a bigger set of “triggers.” Some of these she says are external, like a child’s disobedience, backtalk, or selective hearing, while others are internal, like an overflowing schedule, sleep deprivation, or perhaps a parent's own painful experience from childhood.

St. Boniface Archbishop sharing message of hope

The leader of Archidiocèse de Saint-Boniface Archdiocese says this year's Holy Week is one people will never forget.

Finding hope in Jesus Christ, Archbishop Albert LeGatt says love is important to share with others.

"As we enter Holy Week this year, it is marked very much by the pandemic that we have lived, I am going to say lived together but also lived alone," he says, talking about loneness.

Southern Health Board Chair finds positives in year of pandemic

The Board Chair for Southern Health says COVID-19 has been profoundly impactful on our health facilities, on society and in our personal habits. Yet, Abe Bergen says not all of its impacts are negative.

In reflecting back on 2020, Bergen says one of the highlights was what the regional health authority was able to achieve through technology, because of COVID-19.

"How many of us are more comfortable today with either Teams or Zoom or whatever other platforms for board meetings or for committee meetings or you name it, we're doing that much more often," says Bergen.