Safe in God’s Hands

Isaiah 49:16

"The Lord has forsaken me...He has walked away...He has totally forgotten me." 

Ever said that? Of course you have! How about on Monday morning? You've just come off a glorious weekend retreat. Time in the Word. Great worship. Lots of laughter. Meaningful prayer.... Then comes eight o'clock Monday morning back home, and your whole world caves in. 

"The Lord's forgotten me. He's completely left the scene."

But God says, "You are written on the palms of My hands. You are continually before Me."

Painted by God’s Fingers

Psalm 65: 9, 11

Somewhere, miles away, crops push their way toward harvest and waves roar and tumble onto shore. Windswept forests sing their timeless songs, and desert animals scurry in the shadows of cactus and rock.

Within a matter of hours night will fall, the dark sky will glitter with moon and stars, and sleep will force itself upon us. Life will continue on uninterrupted.

Appreciated or not, the canvas of nature will go on being painted by the fingers of God.

Let God Handle It

Psalm 46:10

Sit down. That’s right, my friend, sit down!

You have run far enough. You have stood long enough. You have fought, pushed, and manipulated your way for too many years. God has finally grabbed your attention. He is saying, "Quit! Stop! Let Me handle it! Sit there on the hot sands of the desert where you have brought yourself. Look at what lies next to you. It is a well, full of fresh water.”

Soon it will be God’s delight to bring that bucket up and refresh your soul. Sit still. Stay there. Be quiet.