The Power of Reconciliation

Matthew 6:14

We cannot be right with God until we are right with one another.

The power of reconciliation is stronger than revenge. It is amazing how forgiveness unloads the weapon in the other person's hand.

When you reconcile with your brother or sister, it is amazing what it does in both hearts. It is like having your nervous system flushed out. It is like getting over a long-standing fever and cleansing the corruption that has been diseasing your mind.

Our Guide for Life

Psalm 32:8

When we arrive at dilemmas in life and are unable to decipher the right direction to go, if we hope to maintain our joy in the process, we must allow the Lord to be our Guide, our Strength, our Wisdom—our all!

It’s easy to read those words, but so tough to carry through on them. When we do, however, it’s nothing short of remarkable how peaceful and happy we can remain. The pressure is on His shoulders, the responsibility is on Him, the ball is in His court, and an unexplainable joy envelops us.

Count Your Blessings

Psalm 95:2

Sometimes when you don’t feel like praying, or you’re consumed with needing to speak to the Lord but can’t gather the words, try that old standby....

Count your many blessings, count them one by one.

It’s amazing how you can get carried away from worries and woes and self-concern when you start naming out loud what you’re thankful for. Right away, your focus shifts from your needs to the Father’s graciousness and love.

Try it!


A Cluttered, Complicated World

Everything around us works against reordering and simplifying our lives. Everything! 

Ours is a cluttered, complicated world. God did not create it that way. Depraved, restless humanity has made it that way!

Advertisements have one major goal: to make us discontented, woefully dissatisfied with who we are and what we have. Why? So we will acquire what they offer. And acquire we do! The watchword of our consumptive society is very loud and assertive—more! 

Enough is never enough....

Great-Hearted Souls

Peacemakers release tension, they don't intensify it. Peacemakers seek solutions and find no delight in arguments. Peacemakers calm the waters, they don't trouble them. Peacemakers work hard to keep an offense from occurring. And if it has occurred, they strive for resolution. Peacemakers lower their voices rather than raise them. Peacemakers generate more light than heat. 

Blessed are such great-hearted souls!...

A Dead-End Road

What is it that drives us on so relentlessly? Are you ready? Take a deep breath and allow yourself to tolerate the one-word answer: 


We work and push and strive so we can prove we are worthy...we are the best...we deserve top honours. And the hidden message: I can gain righteousness all on my own, by my own effort, ingenuity, and energy. And because I can, I must! 

And why is this heretical? Because ultimately this philosophy says: