Take It by Faith

Despite all of our searching and all of our study of the Scriptures, we'll never be able to see everything clearly, to fully grasp and understand and answer all the questions. They are beyond our comprehension—a puzzle, a mystery.

In Keep a Quiet Heart, Elisabeth Elliott says, "Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now."

The Sheltering Tree of Friendship

The poet Samuel Coleridge once described friendship as "a sheltering tree."

When you have the quality of a sheltering tree, the branches of your friendship reach out over the lives of others, giving them shelter, shade, rest, relief, and encouragement....

Friends give comfort. We find strength near them. They bear fruit that provides nourishment and encouragement.  When something troublesome occurs in our life, we pick up the phone and call a friend, needing the comfort he or she provides. I think there are few things more lonely than having no friend to call. 

Outrageous Joy

I know of no greater need today than the need for joy. Unexplainable, contagious joy. Outrageous joy.

When that kind of joy comes aboard our ship of life, it brings things with it—like enthusiasm for life, determination to hang in there, and a strong desire to be of encouragement to others. Such qualities make our voyage bearable when we hit the open seas and encounter high waves of hardship that tend to demoralise and paralyze. 

There is nothing better than a joyful attitude when we face the challenges life throws at us.

Grace for Every Shade of Sorrow

Trials come in various forms. 

The word various comes from an interesting Greek term, poikolos, which means "variegated" or "many coloured." We also get the term "polka dot" from it. 

Trials come in a variety of forms and colours. They are different, just as we are different. Something that would hardly affect you might knock the slats out from under me—and vice versa. But God offers special grace to match every shade of sorrow....

Our Will or God’s Will?

Following the will of God requires faith and action, which in turn call for risk and release. This is where things get very personal. 

This is where we persevere and flesh out the will of God.

I have come to this conclusion: Doing the will of God is rarely easy and uncomplicated. Instead, it is often difficult and convoluted. Or...mysterious

Leave it to God

Can't seem to get where you want to go fast enough? Leave it to God.

Worried about your kids? Leave it to God.

Living in a place you'd rather not be? Leave it to God.

Looks like you won't graduate with honours? Leave it to God.

Found a lump and you see the doctor tomorrow? Leave it to God.

A mid-career change seems scary? Leave it to God.

You did the job but someone else got the credit? Leave it to God.


The Sovereign Potter

By now in our Christian walk we hardly need the reminder that life is not a cloud-nine utopia. It is a terribly unrealistic view to think that Christ helps you live happily ever after; it's downright unbiblical! Most of life is learning and growing, falling and getting back up, forgiving and forgetting, accepting and going on.

We know the sovereign Potter is working with our clay as He pleases. 

God Made Me

The word formed literally means "originated or created." 

God reached into my life when I was merely a tiny embryo and began to shape me within. He originated me. He began to put me together while I was still in the soft silence of my mother's womb. It was there my "inward parts" were originated by God....

Wisdom Just in Time

Do you know what I've discovered about the Lord? He doesn't give wisdom on credit. He doesn't advance you a bundle of insight.... Do you know when He gives us words and wisdom and insight? 

Right when we need them. At the very instant they are required.