In the Mayor's Chair with Morris Mayor Scott Crick - February 8th, 2023

As we get further into 2023, the Council for the Town of Morris continues to be hard at work on a number of priorities, including putting together a new operating budget. Morris Mayor Scott Crick says a survey on assisted living has also been launched. Crick was the guest on CFAM Radio 950 Wednesday morning for In the Mayor's Chair with reporter Pam Fedack. 

If you missed it, have a listen below!

GVSD seeing slow and steady enrolment growth

The superintendent of the Garden Valley School Division says there hasn't been a month this school year where they haven't experienced some growth.
At the end of September, GVSD reported an enrolment of 4,060 to the province, and since that time, Superintendent Dan wWrd says they have gained around 50 students. As of last week, the enrolment was at 4,110.
Ward says the growth is from a combination of newcomer students and some students that have returned from homeschooling, however, the number of newcomers has definitely had a huge impact.

"A blank slate for 50 years," Garden Valley Collegiate's front yard to see big changes

Planning is well underway to transform the front yard of Garden Valley Collegiate in Winkler.

Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Member Marilyn Hart says the vision for the big open space adjacent to Main Street came out of discussions between staff, students, and parents about the space, and what could be done with it.

Be organized, and don't forget your medical receipts, says H & R Block Tax Specialist

A number of new measures have been introduced by the federal government this year to help Canadians in light of rising costs.  

Josée Cabral, a senior tax specialist and the national spokesperson with H & R Block says one of those measures is the new Canada Dental Benefit. Cabral says this benefit is for dental expenses for children under 12 years old. The payment provided will be up to $650 per child, and is based by income. "So, $650.00 would be for an income less than $70,000," added Cabral. 

Building activity slows "across the board," says MSTW GM

Interest rate hikes throughout the past year have had a definite impact on building activity in the MSTW Planning District.

MSTW General Manager, Glen Wieler, noted as the year progressed into late summer and fall in 2022, activity slowly faded away. Wieler adds some of the slowdown is consistent with seasonal trends. However, he says this slowdown is a little more than they historically see, with the lack of activity that's happening.

Effects of doctor shortage impacting Urgent Care hours at Winkler Clinic

What does scheduling look like for our local physicians? Between covering shifts at both the Boundary Trails Health Centre (BTHC), as well as their respective clinics and urgent care departments, it can be quite the balancing act.
Terry Penner is the Executive Director at the C.W. Wiebe Medical Centre in Winkler. He explains Physicians who work at both the C.W. Wiebe Medical Clinic and the Menzies Medical Centre in Morden have a formal agreement with Southern Health-Santé Sud to provide service to BTHC.

C.W. Wiebe Medical Centre ramping up efforts to recruit Physicians

It's not a secret that some communities in Southern Manitoba are facing challenges due to a shortage of physicians. Over the last several months, or even the past couple of years, Terry Penner, the Executive Director of the C.W. Wiebe Medical Centre (C.W.), says the clinic in Winkler has been impacted by this challenging trend.

WATCH: Too many close calls prompts Winkler City Council to request 'no U-turns' at busy Highway 32 intersection

Safety concerns have led the City of Winkler to initiate a change at one of the city's busy intersections. At its meeting Tuesday evening, City Council passed a resolution for a 'no U-turn by-law' for the Highway 32 and Stanley Avenue Intersection.
With Highway 32 being a Provincial road, Mayor Henry Siemens says the by-law will now be sent to Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) for approval and implementation. 

"This is a government that continues to take the pulse of Manitobans, we are listening," says Finance Minister

Manitoba Finance Minister and Morden-Winkler MLA Cameron Friesen says Manitobans can expect a new budget sometime early this year.
Friesen says they've been actively working to bring forth the budget for 2023, which he said will include investments into healthcare and investments in infrastructure.

Morden-Winkler MLA Cameron Friesen looks back on 2022

As the calendar flipped to January 2022, Manitobans were still contending with some pandemic-related restrictions.
Morden-Winkler MLA and Manitoba Finance Minister, Cameron Friesen said it was a highlight to see people getting out and being engaged once those restrictions were lifted by his government last spring.