Expansion of Cystic Fibrosis medication for Saskatchewan 2-5 year olds

Those suffering from Cystic Fibrosis in Saskatchewan may be open to some expanded drug access.

Recently, the government of Saskatchewan saw fit to provide a wider range of access to Trikafta. The medication is well proven to provide improved lung function and is being made available today to CF two to five years of age.

These children will need to meet specific medical criteria before being approved, but for those who do, it's expected to make a huge difference. Currently, there are only around five children in the province in that age range suffering from CF.

Expansion of Cystic Fibrosis medication for Saskatchewan 2-5 year olds

Those suffering from Cystic Fibrosis in Saskatchewan may be open to some expanded drug access.

Recently, the government of Saskatchewan saw fit to provide a wider range of access to Trikafta. The medication is well proven to provide improved lung function and is being made available today to CF two to five years of age.

These children will need to meet specific medical criteria before being approved, but for those who do, it's expected to make a huge difference. Currently, there are only around five children in the province in that age range suffering from CF.

Year in review #1: City crews build barriers to contain Swift Current Creek

The flooding around Swift Current Creek has yet to ebb its overflow.

Yesterday, City crews could be seen filling sandbag barriers along the creek near Lee Lam Bridge by Riverside Park and by Ashley Park Hall on Connaught Drive. 

The flood waters are quickly encroaching on homes near the creek's edge, which prompted the City to set up the barriers sooner rather than later. 

The flooding has already submerged other large swaths of parkland.

Year in review #2: Southwest village feeling harassed by self-proclaimed 'Queen of Canada'

The following story is the 2nd top article published to Swift Current Online in 2023; keep coming back as we unveil the rest of the lineup over the next week.

The Village of Richmound has been home to a host of unwanted guests as of late. 

Romana Didulo, an individual who self-proclaims themself to be the "Queen of Canada", has been staying at the former Richmound School, at the invitation of the property owner. 

Forecast set to hover around mild conditions in West Central

The weather has been floating around nothing recently, and it's not set to change. 

No big storms, no big freezes, no big heat waves. It's looking like a smooth bit of sailing for the forecast in West Central.

This is partly due to El Niño blowing warmer conditions in from the West, pushing off the colder temperatures for the season. 

According to Meteorologist for Environment and Climate Change Canada, Terri Lang, that may be the case for most of the winter. 

What to know when you go winter camping

Winter Camping in Saskatchewan has plenty of great options, including here in the southwest. 

For the uninitiated, campsites across Saskatchewan are open during the winter season. For those that partake, it's a wonderful experience, enjoying the quiet stillness of the great outdoors as the snow insulates the regular sounds of the wild. 

Didulo loses fencing, compound perimeter shrinks in Richmound

The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence in Richmound.

The Village of Richmound continues to see the situation play out with the 'Kingdom of Canada' and Romana Didulo, as they are now running into issues with their fencing supply.

Didulo and her people had set up a fence around the former Richmound School in order to cordon it off. The fencing covered the perimeter of the school, sealing off the private property with a no-trespassing line.

Didulo loses fencing, compound perimeter shrinks in Richmound

The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence in Richmound.

The Village of Richmound continues to see the situation play out with the 'Kingdom of Canada' and Romana Didulo, as they are now running into issues with their fencing supply.

Didulo and her people had set up a fence around the former Richmound School in order to cordon it off. The fencing covered the perimeter of the school, sealing off the private property with a no-trespassing line.

Health Minister shares info on smoking and vaping age changes

The provincial government is changing the legal age to buy smoking products from 18 to 19. 

The change is set to occur sometime this fall and will affect the purchasing requirements for tobacco and vape products. It will bring them up to par with both the legal drinking age in Saskatchewan, and with the required age to purchase cannabis. 

Saskatchewan Minister of Health Everett Hindley says that this change is being made after the last couple of years have seen a tracked increase in youth smoking.