Police & Fire Report Aug. 16/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
August 15th, 2024 – August 16th, 2024
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls: 52
0843 Hours – Unwanted Guest – Police attended a nursing home and subject had left prior to arrival, still under investigation to serve trespass ticket.
1019 Hours – Suspicious Vehicle – Police located the vehicle and spoke to the registered owner who was warned for their actions.
1200 Hours – Found Property – Wallet was turned in at the station, owner was notified with the wallet was returned to the owner.

Police & Fire Report Aug. 13/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

August 12th, 2024 – August 13th, 2024

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total calls: 58

0809 Hours – MVA Over- SUI to speak to complainant and get more information.

0918 Hours – MVC – SUI to speak to complainant.

1009 Hours – Disturbance – Subject was passing through town and giving away his belongings to people who need them.

1118 Hours – Dangerous Driving – Trailer driving north diving erratically

1256 Hours – Stolen Vehicle – Vehicle was stolen sometime between 8pm and 10am.

Police & Fire Report Aug. 12/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
August 11th, 2024 – August 12th, 2024
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total calls: 37

0721 Hours – Mischief- Sometime overnight cargo carrier bar from vehicle stolen. No suspects, no witnesses.

1213 Hours – MVC – Two vehicle collision resulting in approximately $20,000 damage, two tows, two minor injuries and two tickets issued.

Police & Fire Report August 6/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 Aug. 5 – 2024 Aug. 6
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 43

0742 Hour – Unwanted Guest – Subject issued a ticket for Trespassing.

0933 Hours – Unwanted Guest – Situation mediated.

1009 Hours – Mischief – Front door window broken, but no entry gained.

1158 Hours – Theft of Auto – Still under investigation.

1309 Hours – Suspicious Person – Still under investigation to obtain video.

Police & Fire Report August 5/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 Aug. 04 – 2024 Aug. 05
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 45

0921 Hours – Erratic Driver- Registered owner to be contacted and warned about driving habits.

0934 Hours – Mischief- Local business had damage done to it over night, still under investigation for video and statements from employees.

1113 Hours – Disturbance- Subject warned.

1153 Hours – Suspicious Person- Subject was located, moved along without any issues.

1220 Hours – Parking Bylaw- Extra patrols by officers will be made.