Police & Fire Report August 2/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
August 1st, 2024 – August 2nd, 2024
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total calls: 67

0809 hours. Harassment. Subject was advised to stop contact

0842 hours. Theft. Items and money stolen from complainant’s vehicle.

0855 hours. Dangerous Dog. Still under investigation.

0915 hours. Dispute. Advice provided and situation mediated.

1142 hours. Dispute. Situation mediated and parties separated.

1155 hours. Erratic Driving. Still under investigation to contact the registered owner.

Police & Fire Report July 30/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 29 – 2024 July 30
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 71

0703 Hours – Attempted break-in to vehicle – no damage observed

0923 Hours – Well Being Check – Subject was dehydrated

0945 Hours – Harassing Calls – Advice provided

0959 Hours – Well Being Check – Family dispute, no safety concerns

1017 Hours – Mischief – Vehicle broken into, SUI to obtain video

1104 Hours – Alarm Call – False alarm

1145 Hours – Well Being Check – Subject left in care of family member

Police & Fire Report July 29/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 28 – 2024 July 29
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 36

1015 Hours – Found Drugs Turned In – Substances to be destroyed.

1227 Hours – Assist Other Government Agency – Train car on fire, no injuries, not suspicious.

1319 Hours – Breach of Undertaking – No breach occurred, subject was warned.

1546 Hours – Theft Under – Still under investigation to speak with involved parties.

1601 Hours – Theft Under – Situation mediated; plan put in place to return the owner’s property.

Police & Fire Report July 25/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 July 24 – 2024 July 25

0700 hours – 0700 hours

0815 Hours – Noise Bylaw- Subject was advised of the bylaw.

0821 Hours – Dispute- Advice was given.

0910 Hours – Dangerous Driving- Sui to locate the RO.

1219 Hours – MVA – Non-reportable accident.

1330 Hours – Hit & Run- SUI for video.

1657 Hours – MVA Over- 7 vehicle MVA 12 tows, not injuries.

1708 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence- Situation Mediated.

2034 Hours – Shoplifting- Subject was banned from the store.

Police & Fire Report July 24/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 23 – 2024 July 24
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 74

0726 Hours – Suspicious Person- Reported for information, still under investigation.

0754 Hours – Unwanted Guest- Subject had been banned previously and will be given trespass ticket.

0815 Hours – Suspicious Person- Reported for information, subject had left before police arrival.

0911 Hours – Dispute- Advice was provide, civil issue.

0929 Hours – Theft Under- Gas drive off, still under investigation to get video and identify subject.

Police & Fire Report July 23/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 22 – 2024 July 23
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 54

0907 Hours – Unwanted guest. Subject was issued a trespass ticket and sent on their way.

0958 Hours – Dispute- Both parties separated and warned.

1007 Hours – Parking Bylaw- Vehicle was over parked, tires where marked.

1026 Hours – Theft- Phone was stolen, still under investigation to identify.

1109 Hours – Mischief- On 100 Blook of Ominica Street West vehicles had cheese slices rubbed on them, reported for information.

Police & Fire Report July 22/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 21 – 2024 July 22
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 40

0744 hours – Unwanted guest. Subject was moved along.

0856 hours – Traffic stop conducted. Driver was found to be suspended. Subject was issued a ticket for driving while prohibited. Vehicle was seized for 30 days.

0918 hours – Theft from garage. Several items stolen. Still under investigation.

1326 hours – Well being check. Subject was arrested for public intoxication and will be released when sober.

Police & Fire Report July 21/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 20 – 2024 July 21
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 46

1103 Hours – Hit and Run – Police attended to a hit and run, causing approximately $1000 in damages. Police continue to investigate to view CCTV footage and issue ticket.

1153 Hours – Unwanted guest – Police responded to an unwanted guest, left upon police request.

1222 Hours – MVA over – Police responded to a 2 vehicle MVA, non-reportable collision, assisted in name exchange, one ticket issued.

Police & Fire Report July 19/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 July 18 – 2024 July 19
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 46

0836 Hours – Hit & Run – Still under investigation to obtain video of the event.

1225 Hours – Dispute – Advice was given to the subject.

1252 Hours – MVA Over – Two vehicle accident, minor injuries, two tows.

1419 Hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject arrested on outstanding warrants.

1429 Hours – Dispute – Still under investigation to speak with the other party involved.