Police & Fire Report March 6/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 March 5 – 2023 March 6

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls –   35

1220 hours – Dispute – Dispute between family members, advice given by police.

1314 hours – Parking Bylaw – 1 vehicle towed, still under investigation by police to contact registered owner.

1325 hours – Theft – Vehicle gone through overnight, property stolen, no video, still under investigation by police.

1529 hours – Well-Being Check – Subject located and safe, no safety concerns.

Police & Fire Report March 3/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 March 2– 2023 March 3

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 40

0809 hours – Theft of Auto – Vehicle was stolen from a business and was recovered a few hours later.

0947 hours – Found Property – Subject located a wallet in a commercial business. Owner of the wallet was identified and contacted to pick up the wallet.

1226 hours – Vehicle Collision – Two vehicle collision. Police attended and assisted with name exchange. There were no injuries and both vehicles had minor damages.

Police & Fire Report March 2/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 March 1 – 2023 March 2

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 56

0718 hours – Mischief – Trailer tampered with, no sign of entry, still under investigation for video.

0803 hours – Suspicious Person – Subject located and spoken to, nothing suspicious, just having some vehicle trouble.

0832 hours – Break and Enter – Vehicle entered sometime overnight, occurred in the 0 block 3rd Ave NW, $1000 in damage, still under investigation to view video.

Police & Fire Report March 1/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 28 – 2023 March 1

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 65

0837 hours – Break and Enter – Shed broken into sometime overnight with items being stolen, still under investigation.

0904 hours – Disturbance – Police attended to subjects having a verbal argument, situation was mediated and the subjects were warned.

0930 hours – Theft Under – Sometime over the weekend a business was entered with property being stolen, still under investigation to receive video footage.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 24/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 23 – 2023 February 24

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 42

1051 hours – Mischief – Mischief at a business, still under investigation by police to review video and identify suspect.

1432 hours – Dispute – Dispute between family members, situation mediated, advice given by police.

1435 hours – Breach – Subject charged for entering a premise against their release conditions.

1443 hours – Theft – Theft of personal property, advice given, still under investigation by police.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 23/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 22 – 2023 February 23

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 54

0729 hours – Well- Being Check – Subject located by police, safe and in their home.

0848 hours – Theft –credit card, still under investigation.

0918 hours – Unwanted guest.  Subject left upon police request.

0957 hours- Vehicle seizure – Traffic stop conducted – prohibited driver.  Vehicle seized.

1101 hours – Harassing communication – parties spoken information provided.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 22/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 21 – 2023 February 22

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 42

0752 hours – MVA Over – Two vehicle MVA, one minor injury, one ticket issued; both vehicles towed.

0843 hours – Dispute – One subject charged, released for court.

1213 hours – Shoplifting – Attempted theft, still under investigation to identify suspect.

1215 hours – Erratic Driving –Driver located and warned for their driving actions.

1228 hours – Well Being Check – Subject located, was found with no safety concerns.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 21/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 20– 2023 February 21

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 31

0729 Hours – Alarm Call – Building secured, no signs of forced entry. False alarm.

1118 Hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject left upon police request.

1159 Hours – Suspicious Person – Subject located, nothing suspicious noted, misunderstanding.

1202 Hours – Well-being Check – Subject located, no safety concerns.

1307 Hours – Alarm Call – Spoke to keyholder was on site, false alarm.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 17/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 16– 2023 February 17

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 52

0758 hours- MVA-  2 vehicle MVA, $30,000 damage, no injuries, 2 tows, 2 tickets issued.

0908 hours- Mischief- Occurred overnight to vehicle

1055 hours- Break and Enter- Occurred sometime during the last week. Still under investigation

1135 hours- Dispute- Between 2 parties. Advised to cease communication.

1143 hours- Break and Enter- Occurred sometime during the night. Still under investigation to review video.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 15/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 February 14– 2023 February 15

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 53

0736 hours – Dispute – Dispute between two parties, no violence involved, mediated by police, and advice given by the PACT Team.

0733 hours – Fraud – Caller scam, complainant out $5500, still under investigation by police.

0900 hours – Mischief – Suspect located by police, 1 arrest, and 1 charge.

1014 hours – Well-Being Check – Subject located safe; police advise given.