Is the southwest experiencing drought again?

Parts of southwestern Saskatchewan have returned to drought conditions after a dry summer.

According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada drought map published on August 31, much of the region ranges is listed in moderate or severe drought. With a few spots close to the Montana and Alberta borders in the abnormally dry category.

The severe drought spot runs from Swift Current north to the Rosetown area and west to Kindersley. 

Trevor Hadwen, an agriclimate specialist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, said much of the province's moisture levels are adequate.

Farm-based group homes to be constructed in Biggar

A farm setting in Biggar will soon be established with two new group homes and day programming for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

The pair of five-bedroom homes and 96 acres of land, donated by the town of Biggar, will be operated by Farm in the Dell. The non-profit organization already runs a similar type of operation in Aberdeen.

Animal neglect trial ends with Crown staying the charges

Tom Miller, a Craik area producer is trying to regroup after a long stressful ordeal and trial on charges of animal neglect that resulted in the Crown staying the charges against him before the closing arguments were heard.

The decision to "stay the charges" means that the trial and verdict have been put on hold, however, the charges are still in play and can be enacted anytime within the next year.

Miller says it's been a long haul, but it showed I was right.

China announces anti-dumping investigation on canola seed imports

China's Ministry of Commerce has announced plans to launch an anti-dumping case into Canadian canola seed imports.

The action was initiated in response to a Canadian decision to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, steel and aluminum.

Canadian Canola Council of Canada ((CCC) CEO and President Chris Davison says China is an important and valued market for Canadian canola.

“We are confident that an investigation into Canada’s canola trade with China will demonstrate alignment with and reinforce our support for rules-based trade.”

Remembering Saskatchewan Wheat Pool

This year marks what would have been the 100th anniversary of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, which started as the Saskatchewan Co-operative Wheat Producers in 1923. 

Farmers joined together with a goal of trying to get a fair price for their wheat by selling directly to importers rather than through the futures market or grain exchange.

Wymark area farmer, Marvin Wiens was a director with the Pool for 20 years and served as president from 2000 to 2004 and admires the drive and determination of the farmers that came together to form the SWP.

SaskCrops has sent in their submission for the Federal pre-budget consultations

SaskCrops sent in their annual submission last week for Finance Canada’s federal pre-budget consultations. 

SaskCrops represents the vast majority of grain and oilseed producers in Saskatchewan through the participating growers' associations - SaskBarley, SaskCanola, SaskFlax, SaskOats, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, and Sask Wheat. 

The groups note that research funding remains a key advocacy priority for SaskCrops and want to see significant, predictable, and sustained investment in research from the government.

Sask Barley joins Western Crop Innovations

Western Crop Innovations continues to grow. 

The Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission has joined Western Crop Innovations (WCI) as a voting member.

Sask Barley has committed $50,000 in core funding as a transitional grant for the current fiscal year.

Western Crop Innovations (WCI) work focuses on developing feed and forage barley, malting barley, and triticale varieties specifically tailored for the Western Prairies.

The newly formed organization - formerly known as the Field Crop Development Centre - was founded earlier this year. 

Prairie collaboration on research plays a key role in new and improved crop varieties

While farmers are out in the field harvesting this year's wheat crop, research scientists and breeders involved in the Canadian National Wheat Cluster are working on improving the crops' long-term sustainability in the cropping rotation.

Funding for the work being done by the Wheat Cluster comes through the Canadian Wheat Research Coalition (CWRC).

The CWRC is a collaboration of the three producer wheat commissions across Western Canada, the Alberta Wheat Commission, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission and Manitoba Crop Alliance.

Provincial harvest now at 20 per cent complete

Alberta Agriculture's weekly crop report shows 20 per cent of the provincial crop has been harvested, with another nine per cent swathed. The winter wheat harvest is now 94 per cent complete, followed by the fall rye at 93 per cent, dry peas at 73 per cent, and lentils at 59 per cent across the province. 

Regionally, the South has seen the most progress with 38 per cent of crops combined, the Central Region is at 25 per cent,  the North West and North East  have less than 7 per cent finished, while the Peace Region is 11 per cent complete.