Winnipeg's Dry Cold Productions marks their 20th anniversary with A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder

Things are about to heat up for one Winnipeg-based theatre company. 

Winnipeg's Dry Cold Productions marks their 20th anniversary with A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder — a hilariously grim belated celebration!



Mozart and More!! Winnipeg Chamber Music Society performs Tuesday and Thursday

Tomorrow June 14th, and this Thursday, June 16th at 7:30pm the Winnipeg Chamber Music Society (WCMS) returns to the concert stage with their annual mini-chamber music festival that they are calling “Mozart and More.” Both concerts take place at the Muriel Richardson Auditorium at the Winnipeg Art Gallery, and will feature chamber music of Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, and Khachaturian.

Nuovoce presents concert celebrating the idea of home

As the name implies, Nuovoce (a fusion of the Italian words: nuovo, meaning ‘new’, and voce, meaning ‘voice’) Chamber Choir is one of the city’s newest additions to the glorious array of voices that make up the province’s vibrant choral community. 

Founded in spring 2019 by Justin Odwak and Sarah Sommer, the ensemble provides an opportunity for young choristers to continue singing after high school. 

"Beguiling and bewildering: the recorder takes centre stage"

Since first performing in the city as a 16-year-old, Dutch recorder player Lucie Horsch has gone on to become one of the most celebrated virtuosi on her instrument. Now, six years later, the sparkling and stylish player returns to town, once again performing alongside Anne Manson and the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra. 

Though one would be hard-pressed not to be wowed by Horsch’s playing, it is the instrument itself that comes with a bit of emotional baggage.

“I think there’s positive sides and negative sides to this image of the recorder,” says Horsch. 

WTR in the month of June!

It’s the last month of the school year, summer is just around the corner and with it, hopefully will come some long, warm and dry summer days and nights. 

On the first Friday of the month, Chris Hall of McNally Robinson Booksellers returned to the airwaves in the longstanding segment called "What to Read."



Chasing Visions: celebrating Manitoba’s LBGTQ* community through song

Winnipeg’s Pride Week is in full swing here in town and on Saturday, June 4, it will be in full sing with Rainbow Harmony Project (RHP). 

Singing out since 1999, the choir for the LGBTQ2* community and their allies present their first spring concert in three years. 

“There’s a feeling of hope,” says RHP board president Karyn Kumhyr, who also sings in the tenor section of the choir.  

After a season of smaller concerts and musical outreach, to be a part of the more than 45 community events associated with Pride is an exciting opportunity, she says.