Constuction season for streets of Humboldt

Summertime means it's construction time. 

 That's been the case within Humboldt as a few streets have been getting some repairs done recently.  

After some rainy weather in June that caused some delays, a warm July with little precipitation has allowed work to move ahead.  

Director of Public Works Peter Bergquist says there are a few projects that are currently underway.  

Dan Cooke

Dan Cooke

Saturday, August 10, 2024 - 1:00 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran Church 
812 Preston Ave, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Livestreaming will be available at the Redeemer Lutheran Church

Danny Carman Cooke 
June 10, 1947 - July 15, 2024

Canadian Federation of Agriculture to meet with Federal, Provincial and Territorial Agriculture Ministers

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) is holding their Summer Meeting in Whitehorse this week.

The meeting is planned in conjunction with the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Agriculture Ministers Annual Conference.

CFA President Keith Currie says their Summer Meeting which covers two days has focused on a wide variety of issues from how ag production companies like Syngenta, BASF and Nutrien are looking to the future.

Dorothy Pomfret

Dorothy Jean Pomfret
May 28, 1932 – July 3, 2024  

92 years

Dorothy Pomfret passed away peacefully on Wednesday July 3, 2024, at the Central Parkland Lodge in Lanigan, SK. She was born May 28, 1932, at the Nokomis Hospital. She was the youngest of two daughters of Arthur & Olive Nadiger. Growing up on a farm during the depression was hard work, so she and her sister Helen learned to milk the cows, help with haying, and stooking.

Rural communities included in $30B, 10-year fund for public transit

Applications opened Wednesday for two streams in the federal government's new $30-billion public transit fund even though the money won't start flowing for another two years, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.

The 10-year Canada Public Transit Fund has been in the works for months and was in the recent federal budget but more details were provided as Trudeau made a visit to a subway yard in Toronto.

AAA 18U Red Sox looking to finish strong in the regular season

The race is on to the finish line in the regular season of the SPBL and the AAA 18U Red Sox picked up steam last night with an 8-0 win over the Sask Five Marlins on home field.  

Marek Yeager made some critical contributions at the plate, starting with a left field homer in the fourth inning to bring in three runs. Along with a sacrifice fly for a single and a walk in the 5th inning to bring in one, Yeager set the pace.  

Muenster Co-op members give green light to proposed amalgamation

Forty-one voting members of the Muenster Co-op gave the thumbs up to the proposed amalgamation of their operation and the Humboldt Co-op. The vote, taken on Tuesday evening, following an engaging question and answer period, was unanimous.  

Muenster Co-op Board Chair Glenn Korte introduced the proposal, stating that the Muenster Board supported the amalgamation for the viability of the Muenster store and gas outlet. 

FPT Ag Ministers meet in the Yukon

The Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Agriculture Ministers are holding their annual conference in Whitehorse.

Manitoba's Agriculture Minister, Ron Kostyshyn, wants to see a discussion around Trade and Market Access.

Kostyshyn says he's very concerned about Voluntary Country of Origin Labelling, and believes this could seriously affect pork  exports to the United States.
Manitoba is the largest pig-producing province in Canada, and is the largest exporter of weanlings into the United States.