Province embarks on The Saskatchewan Employment Incentive

As part of its throne speech, the Saskatchewan government made promises about the introduction of a Saskatchewan employment incentive to support working families with lower incomes. In a November 8th release, the province began to outline the new program which will provide a financial benefit, supplementary health benefits, connections to employment, and housing supports. 

Health Authority responds to overcrowding concerns

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has responded to letters of concern about overcrowding in a Saskatoon hospital with a release concerning its Saskatoon Capacity Pressure Action Plan (SCPAP). The release sent out on November 14 outlines several concrete actions to alleviate and address the immediate pressures facing hospital capacity in Saskatoon, while introducing long-term measures to meet the current and future needs of Saskatchewan residents accessing health care services in Saskatoon. 

Province embarks on The Saskatchewan Employment Incentive

As part of its throne speech, the Saskatchewan government made promises about the introduction of a Saskatchewan employment incentive to support working families with lower incomes. In a November 8th release, the province began to outline the new program which will provide a financial benefit, supplementary health benefits, connections to employment, and housing supports. 

Joy Throughout Our Days

Ecclesiastes 11:8

Happiness is for today. Joy is available now. We are not to put it on hold.

Happiness isn't something that will secretly open up to us when we turn 55 or when we reach some goal or find the right marriage partner. Happiness is fornow. It is inseparably linked to the living Lord.

A catechism in the Presbyterian church begins with the question, "What is the chief end of man?

Verse of the Day: November 19, 2023

Psalm 1:1-2

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

This week's good news

Brooke Nicholls Welcomes Newest Family Member:

Canadian Christian worship leader and songwriter Brooke Nicholls and her husband, Steve, joyfully welcomed a baby girl on Monday, Nov. 6, 2023.

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Grant Memorial Filled with Young Adults in Worship:

Two Arrested after Winnipeg Police Uncover Drug Trafficking Operation

During November 2023, continued community concerns were brought to the attention of the Winnipeg Police Service. The North District Community Support Unit (CSU) began an investigation in November 2023 targeting several people suspected to be involved in the trafficking of illegal drugs in the Point Douglas area.

On the evening of November 16, Tactical Support Team (TST) members observed two suspects operating a vehicle at the intersection of Main Street and Portage Avenue. The TST executed a traffic stop, resulting in the arrest of two adult males without incident.

Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service responds to house fire in Lord Roberts area

Early afternoon on Friday, November 17, 2023, the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS) responded to calls of a fire in a single-family house in the Lord Roberts area.

The 9-1-1 call came from a Canada Post employee working in the area at 12:01 pm.

According to WFPS when their crews arrived at the scene, they found smoke coming from the house. They attacked the fire from inside the house, reporting it was under control at 12:34 p.m. 

Crews completed a search of the house and no residents were located and no injuries were reported. 

Government lays groundwork for provincial Marshals Service

The government of Saskatchewan is continuing with its plans to develop a Marshall service to bolster provincial policing. 

The Police (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act, 2023 officially designates the Saskatchewan Marshals Service as a police service in Saskatchewan and sets out details and processes for the service's structure, operation and governance. The Act also creates a chief marshal position, which will be responsible for the administration, management and operation of the service. The legislation was introduced on November 7. 

A Place for Prayer

Psalm 32:6

Never underestimate the place of prayer.I'm convinced that one of the reasons we are so lax in prayer is that we have never prepared a place to meet with God. When you want to draw near to the heart of God, you have to get away from the din, awayfrom the confusion, away from the noise and distractions.

You need a place apart—a place where you can separate yourself from the distractions of daily life and meet, alone, with God.

Then, be specific in your prayer life.