Mosquito born illness on the rise in North America

Dr. Torr with SHA warns with the heat the mosquitos known to carry mosquito born illness are moving Northward. Cases are spreading into southern United States which is putting more and more travelers at risk of mosquito born illness. "For travelers there has been a lot of warnings and advisories for mosquito born illness" says Dr Torr "In Texas they have had cases of malaria and dengue fever"

Beware the bite: Tick infestations holding on late in season

Tick season has been bad this year in Saskatchewan. Normally around July we see populations decline with the heat, but this year due to the cooler June and ample moisture it appears ticks will continue to be an issue through the summer.  While for the majority of tick bites in Saskatchewan will be nothing to worry about they do carry a risk of infection and tick born illness such as Lyme Disease. Saskatchewan only has a small population of the black legged deer tick that is known to carry Lyme disease.

Saskatchewan enacts new immigration services act

The immigration services act for Saskatchewan came into effect on July 1st.  Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison Said "Saskatchewan continues to attract newcomers from all over world" he adds that "this strengthened legislation will enhance Saskatchewan's ability to protect foreign workers as they arrive, streamline processing for employers, and set new standards for integrity"

Battery energy storage system online in Saskatchewan

SaskPower announced its first ever battery energy storage system (BESS) located at their Fleet Street substation in Regina is now online.  The storage system provides some flexibility to the provincial grid with a capacity of 20 megawatts of power, enough to supply 20,000 homes for an hour.

Minister responsible for SaskPower, Dustin Duncan, said "the addition of battery storage will enable SaskPower to better respond to fluctuating demands of our electrical grid" 

Water infrastructure projects receive $20 million in funding for west-central Saskatchewan

The Water Security Agency (WSA) announce 20 million in funding near Lake Diefenbaker as part of their 10-year Infrastructure Rehabilitation Plan. This funding will allow the agency to continue to provide sustainable and reliable water supply and keep up with increasing demand.

According to the Water Security Agency release the projects are occurring at three different locations, including:

 Gardiner Dam 

How common are tornadoes in Saskatchewan?

Heading into our peak severe weather season in the Canadian prairies we have seen quite a few tornado warnings issued in the province. But how common is it to get tornadoes in Saskatchewan? Saskatchewan averages around 14-18 confirmed tornadoes a year, with fluctuations from year to year. 2023 saw a record low at only 1 confirmed tornado and 2012 saw a record high of 33 confirmed tornados.

How common are tornadoes in Saskatchewan?

Heading into our peak severe weather season in the Canadian prairies we have seen quite a few tornado warnings issued in the province. But how common is it to get tornadoes in Saskatchewan? Saskatchewan averages around 14-18 confirmed tornadoes a year, with fluctuations year to year. 2023 saw the record low at only 1 confirmed tornado and 2012 saw a record high of 33 confirmed tornados.

How common are tornadoes in Saskatchewan?

Heading into our peak severe weather season in the Canadian prairies we have seen quite a few tornado warnings issued in the province. But how common is it to get tornadoes in Saskatchewan? Saskatchewan averages around 14-18 confirmed tornadoes a year, with fluctuations year to year. 2023 saw the record low at only 1 confirmed tornado and 2012 saw a record high of 33 confirmed tornados.

How common are tornadoes in Saskatchewan?

Heading into our peak severe weather season in the Canadian prairies we have seen quite a few tornado warnings issued in the province. But how common is it to get tornadoes in Saskatchewan? Saskatchewan averages around 14-18 confirmed tornadoes a year, with fluctuations year to year. 2023 saw the record low at only 1 confirmed tornado and 2012 saw a record high of 33 confirmed tornados.

Don't be shocked! Lightning safety tips

Lightning Safety 

You’ve likely heard the adage “When thunder roars, go indoors!” But why is this adage so important to listen to? According to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) Each year lightning kills two to three Canadians and injures approximately 180 others. When you can hear thunder, you're within striking distance of lightning.