UPDATE: Steinbach missing teen located

A teenage girl from Steinbach is now safely home.

The girl, who cannot be named because she is a minor, had gone missing Sunday evening.

Since then, police and her family had been looking for her whereabouts.

Her family notified us shortly before 2:30 this afternoon to say she has been located and is back home.

No further details will be released. 

Previous Story:

A teenage girl from Steinbach has gone missing.

Fifteen-year-old Eden Wyness was last seen in Steinbach on Sunday at 11:30 pm.

Changing weather pattern could spark end to stormy, cooler days

It seems the weather pattern we have been dealing with in southern Manitoba lately is about to change. 

Samantha Mauti with Environment Canada says much of Manitoba has been under a weather pattern that is causing cooler weather and generating storms. She explains an upper trough is resulting in an upward motion of air, causing that cooler weather. 

Manitoba Hydro suspends strike action after reaching tentative agreement

A spokesperson for Manitoba Hydro says they have reached a tentative collective agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) union.

The union began strike action on June 30th. IBEW represents approximately 2,300 electrical workers at Manitoba Hydro across the province.

Specific terms of the offer will not be disclosed. 

SCU follows Bank of Canada in raising interest rates

Steinbach Credit Union is following the Bank of Canada's lead and is raising its interest rates. 

The Bank of Canada announced this morning that it has raised its key interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point, bringing it to five per cent. Glenn Friesen, Chief Executive Officer for Steinbach Credit Union says they will be raising by the same quarter point.

Hunter caught trying to export bear across border

Our province announced Friday that conservation officers handed out 10 tickets last month over two days at the Emerson port of entry. 

During the weekend of June 10 and 11, the Manitoba Conservation Officer Service partnered with Canadian wildlife officers to conduct a fish, wildlife, and Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) compliance checkstop at the Canada-U.S. border crossing. 

Green Party Leader reacts to CEC report on Sio Silica

The Leader of the Green Party of Manitoba says she felt heard.

Janine Gibson, who lives south of Steinbach, made that comment after reading the report submitted to the Manitoba government by the Clean Environment Commission (CEC). The CEC is advising that significant conditions be required, if the Manitoba government is to approve the proposed Sio Silica sand extraction project east of Anola. 

Hot May and June worth noting says Environment Canada's Phillips

The last two months have produced record breaking heat in parts of Southern Manitoba, including the Pembina Valley.

David Phillips with Environment Canada says we just tied a record for the hottest May and June collectively. The mean temperature for those two months (taking into account daytime highs and lows for each day) was 19.05 degrees, which is several degrees warmer than normal. The last time it was this warm, collectively, in May and June was 1988 when it was slightly warmer than was just recorded over the past two months.

Ste. Agathe residents get sneak peek at proposed dike raise designs

Residents of Ste. Agathe have been shown plans for what the upgraded dike could look like in their community.

Our province is in the planning stages of raising the dike. In December of last year were the initial meetings including information sessions and discussion. Then in March, the province presented preliminary design alternatives and provided opportunity for feedback. This month, the preferred design was presented to the public at a pair of public consultations held at the Ste. Agathe Fire Hall.

More nurses for MB - Nurses Union President reacts to announcement

The President of the Manitoba Nurses Union has mixed feelings towards this week's announcement that additional nurses will be coming to Manitoba from the Philippines. 

Health Minister Audrey Gordon announced last Tuesday that 309 health-care professionals will be coming to our province, following a recent recruitment mission to the Philippines. The list includes registered nurses, licensed practical nurse equivalents, and healthcare aides. 

Individuals are expected to begin arriving in Manitoba as early as late this summer, with arrivals increasing in the fall.