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This image shows 'Kingdom of Canada' members packing up to head out of town. (photo courtesy of Richmound resident)
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This image shows 'Kingdom of Canada' members packing up to head out of town. (photo courtesy of Richmound resident)

The situation in Richmound is moving, as Romana Didulo and others have packed up and headed to a local farm. 

Richmound residents were thrilled to see that the RVs and motorhomes parked at the school were packing up. It was only when they turned away from the highway, heading north on a grid road that they realized something was strange. 

Arlene Miller, a resident in Richmound, was disheartened to learn they had moved only seven miles out of town.

"Somebody phoned me and said they're leaving," said Miller. "They were just running and hooking up trailers and backed up to the school, taking stuff out."

Miller watched as the encampment was disassembled, the flag pulled down, everything loaded up and got rolling. Leading the convoy out of the school was Didulo herself, driving her big RV unit. They proceeded to a farm yard at the invitation of the land owner, where they reportedly confirmed they would be staying for a total of 12 hours. 

"On their livestream last night they said they'll be back in town at Ricks," offered Miller. 

This situation started early in the day yesterday when a bylaw inspector approached the compound with officials from the Village of Richmound. He asked if he could enter the property to inspect it for any violations, and to ensure it was safe inside. 

The owner of the former Richmound School Property, Rick Mans, refused the bylaw officer entry after what Miller described as a lengthy conversation. 

"Then [the bylaw officer] left and I was like, oh well, that's so much for that," said Miller. 

Then, a short time later, they began to move, packing up and heading to the farm. They announced they were going to be staying at the new location for 12 hours.

 Miller figures this is due to the fact that Mans, the owner of the school property, was due in court today. He was charged with assault earlier in the year, after an incident with a Richmound resident. 

She also proposed the idea that they are posting up in the farm yard, which has heat and amenities, in case Mans ends up unable to host them after the hearing. 

Miller says that the 'Kingdom of Canada' under Didulo has been renovating the school, which would violate local bylaws. The school has asbestos in its construction.

She pointed to the fact that disturbing it would give them the ability to board up the school, kicking everyone out. 

"That's my hope," said Miller. "That might be all they need really to lock her up."

DiscoverEstevan will continue to provide updates on the Richmound situation as they become available. 

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Author Alias