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The decision made by the civilian director was based on a comprehensive review of all the evidence and material facts.

The Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba (IIU) has concluded its investigation into a case surrounding a serious injury sustained by a man during a Manitoba First Nations Police Service (MFNPS) pursuit.

MFNPS say that on July 18, 2021, they notified the IIU of an incident on Sept. 21, 2019. According to the notification, Long Plain First Nation officers were pursuing a vehicle when it was involved in a collision.  
A male suspect reportedly attempted to escape the scene but was apprehended. During his arrest, force was used to subdue him. Following his arrest, he was transported to the Portage District General Hospital, where he was treated for a lip laceration and pain in the chest area and released into custody.

On Oct. 1, 2019, the man attended MFNPS to advise he had sustained injuries as a result of the Sept. 21 incident. Medical records indicate on Sept. 21, he was treated for a lip laceration, and on Sept. 23, he was treated for a collapsed lung and broken rib. 

As a broken rib is defined as a serious injury under IIU regulations, the IIU assumed responsibility for this mandatory investigation, and investigators were assigned. 

The civilian director designated one subject officer and three witness officers. IIU investigators obtained a statement from the affected person and civilian witness.

The decision made by the civilian director was based on a comprehensive review of all the evidence and material facts. After due consideration of the circumstances, it was determined that the actions taken by the subject officer were justified and reasonable, and there was no reasonable ground to support charges against them.

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Author Alias