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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 November 20 – 2023 November 21

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 47


0828 hours – Unwanted Guest –loitering in bank vestibule, left upon request.

0829 hours – MVA – Two vehicles towed, no injuries, one ticket issued.

1028 hours – Dispute – Verbal dispute between two parties mediated.

1039 hours – Theft of Auto –stolen from residence; recovered by police – still under investigation.

1052 hours – Harassing communication – information provided regarding social media use.

1222 hours – Mischief – damage to vehicle; still under investigation.

1310 hours – Intoxicated Person – subject loitering. left upon request.

1338 hours – Unwanted Guest – refusing to leave residence, police provided assistance.

1348 hours – Dispute – Police attended a residence; arrested a subject on warrants, held for court.

1451 hours – Suspicious Person – Subject warned for being on private property, left upon request.

1543 hours – Hit & Run – occurred during the day; damage to vehicle, still under investigation.

1749 hours – Unwanted Guest –loitering in building lobby, left upon request.

1828 hours – Harassing Calls – information provided to party involved.

1935 hours – Well Being Check – intoxicated subject transported to hospital and left in their care.

2128 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject was issued ticket for trespassing and left upon request.


Assist Other Agency – 5

Bylaws – 1

Warrant Executed – 1

911 Calls – 5
