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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 November 26– 2023 November 27

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 40


0830 hours – Well Being Check – Subject located and is fine.  Lost phone, will contact family when locates it.

1002 hours – Hit & Run – Sometime between 0800-0900 hours vehicle hit and damaged.  File number provided for insurance purposes.

1319 hours – Public Intoxication – Subject located passed out in public place.  Subject arrested for being intoxicated in public place and held until sober.

1430 hours – Theft – Two suspects in business actively stealing.  Subjects located, charged and released for Court at a later date.

1538 hours – Possession Stolen Property – Subject found to be in possession of someone else’s credit card.  Subject charged and released for Court at a later date.

1551 hours – Mischief – Between 0800-0900 hours coffee dumped on vehicle while parked in parking lot.  Still under investigation to see if video footage available.

1610 hours – Attempted Break & Enter – Occurred sometime in the last two months, unknown person(s) attempted to gain entry to residence.

1638 hours – Dangerous Dog – Dog attacked another while at off leash dog park, has occurred in the past.  Both parties spoken to, mediated.

1843 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject acting weird inside restaurant and no longer welcome.  Subject left upon Police request.

2146 hours – Mischief – Two subjects breaking into camper, left heading South in alley.  Subjects located and charged with Mischief, released for Court at a later date.

0041 hours – Break & Enter – Police located insecure door on new business being constructed.  Building cleared, no one located inside.  Still under investigation to determine if anything missing.

0306 hours – Disturbance – Subject being loud, yelling in street, waking up neighbourhood.  Subject located and returned home.  Police to follow up in morning.

0433 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject sleeping in vestibule of apartment complex.  Subject left upon Police request.


911 Calls- 3

Alarm Calls – 1

Curfew Checks – 3

Assist Other Agency – 5

Warrants Executed – 3
