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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 November 29– 2023 November 30

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 54


0832 hours – Well Being Check – Complainant was worried about welfare of children. Police directed individual to contact the agency where the children live.

0918 hours – Well Being Check – Complainant reported being concerned for their friend’s well being. Police made contact with friend who was fine, just having a bad day.

0920 hours – Dispute – Police received report of a physical dispute causing injuries. Upon investigation, complaint was determined to be unfounded and injuries were old and unrelated.

1112 hours – Recovered Stolen Auto – Police recovered a stolen automobile and continue to investigate.

1139 hours – Unwanted Guest – Police received report of an individual trespassing at a local business. Individual was arrested for public intoxication and trespassing.

1155 hours – MVA Over – Individual was struck by a vehicle outside a local business. Individual was taken to hospital and treated for injuries.

1223 hours – Suspicious Person – Police received report of a suspicious individual outside a local business. Individual was sent on their way.

1402 hours – Well Being Check – Complainant reported being concerned for their friend’s well being. Police spoke with friend who was found in good health with no safety concerns.

1448 hours – Suspicious Vehicle – Police received report of a suspicious vehicle. Upon investigation, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

1548 hours – Dangerous Driving – Police received report of a vehicle driving erratically through a school zone. Driver was warned on actions.

1634 hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Police received report of an individual smoking drugs in vehicle. Police made contact with individual and found no signs of impairment.

1707 hours – Fire Call – Police responded to a car on fire. No injuries and car was towed.

1730 hours – Parking Bylaw – Complainant reported a vehicle parked blocking the alley behind a local business. Police contacted the owner and had it moved.

2001 hours – Police received a report of two individuals refusing to leave a local business. Both individuals were banned from business and one individual was arrested.

2052 hours – Suspicious Person – Local business reported an individual hanging out in area all day. Police made contact with individual and sent them on their way.

2307 hours – Well Being Check – Individual reported being concerned for their partner’s well being. Police make contact with partner who was found in good health.

0216 hours – Unwanted Guest – Police received report of an unwanted guest. Individual was sent on his way.


911 Calls – 2

Assist Other Agency – 5

Unwanted Guest – 5
