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Shannon Gerbrandt struggled with her mental health for years, that was until she discovered Adult and Teen Challenge. 

"I dealt with a lot of anxiety and depression," said Gerbrandt. "My family didn't even know what to do anymore. I was married at the time, I had two kids, but was struggling with daily life and how to cope."

One of the biggest challenges Gerbrandt faced was broken relationships. This all changed when her aunt introduced her to Adult and Teen Challenge. 

"It showed me how to deal with different coping methods. Stuff like how to be more positive and how to have better relationships with my family."

Shannon says there was one big moment in her journey that helped move her forward. 

"I was going through a divorce at the time. My marriage was falling apart, said Shannon. "One day, I just ended up giving it all to Jesus and the program. I was like, 'Lord, you can take this. I surrender everything to you.' I went on my knees before bed and completely surrendered. It was tough, but I was able to. That was one positive impact in my life, learning how to completely surrender and let go."

Shannon says graduating from the Adult and Teen Challenge program in Brandon has been one of the happiest moments of her life. 

"Graduating from the program was a good accomplishment because I had never done something like this before. It was an encouraging moment for me."

Since graduating, Shannon has found work at the Super Thrift in Steinbach.

"Being able to come out of the program and still be able to be involved with the program is just wonderful. Working at the Super Thrift, I get to work alongside the students and the staff. It's obviously God-centred. It's the best job I've had."

Shannon says as she moves forward now, the goal is to keep pushing on, continue striving and know that God is at the centre of her life. 

"I think it's just an amazing program. It's changed my life in a positive way," said Gerbrandt. "If I hadn't entered the program, my life would look different. I give God all the glory and honour that he got me into such a good program."
