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Unsplash: Sarah Sheedy

Psalm 19:13

Life on earth is really nothing more than a string of moments, one after another. And I do not want my testimony for Jesus Christ to be shattered by a single moment of indulging my flesh.

I don't want one moment of rage or pride or arrogance to cast a shadow over a lifetime of walking with my Lord.

Frankly, I fear that possibility. And do you know what? Iwantto fear that possibility. When I stop fearing it, I am in grave danger.

The Living Bible renders David's prayer (Psalm 19:13): "Keep me from deliberate wrongs; help me to stop doing them. Only then can I be free of guilt and innocent of some great crime."

What a great prayer! "Lord, you know my capacity to throw everything over in one stupid, fleshly act. Keep me from it! Restrain me. Guard me from trashing it all in one horrible moment of rage or lust. If You guard me and keep me, Lord, I'll never have to look back and mourn over committing such a deed."

Excerpted from Charles R. Swindoll, Wisdom for the Way(Nashville: J. Countryman, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2001). Copyright © 2001 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permissio

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