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Isaiah 6:8

We all have excuses to disqualify ourselves from God's service.

"I'm not physically well"

"I've got this temper problem"

"I can't speak very well in public"

"I don't have a lot of education"

"My past is too raunchy!"

"You see, I'm a divorcee"

"I was once in a mental hospital"

And on and on and on.

But God is bigger thananyof those reasons. He specialises in taking bruised, soiled, broken, guilty, and miserable vessels and making them whole, forgiven, and useful again.

You see, God's perspective is much broader than ours.

Excerpted from Charles R. Swindoll, Wisdom for the Way(Nashville: J. Countryman, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2001). Copyright © 2001 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by perm

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