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Farmers had a chance to learn more about how their grain is graded last week.

SaskWheat, SaskBarley, SaskCanola, and SaskFlax hosted the event in Swift Current and Indian Head.

Officials from the Canadian Grain Commission were on hand to guide producers through the grading process talking about some of the degrading factors in wheat, canola, flax, and barley.

Sask Wheat Director Rob Stone took part in the event.

He says as farmers when you take grain to the elevator and get the grade sometimes you question how they came to that decision.

"I trust our grain buyers and I think we all trust our grain buyers, but it's nice to understand the process of maybe how you could do better,  or understand why there's such variances."

Stone says they talked about the different degrading factors for wheat, barley, canola, and flax.

They also heard that if producers have any questions they're encouraged to contact the Canadian Grain Commission regional office and talk to them.

Overall, he says by attending the event he has a better understanding of the level of education and training that goes into the people that are grading the grain, any changes that are happening,  as well as getting a better idea on how the system works right from the elevator to shipping.