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Someone has been trying to make St. Claude residents enjoy somewhat of a less than a merry Christmas.

Residents of St. Claude have contacted the RCMP about a scammer who has been calling homes over the last several days. He is evidently using the phone book, seeing as he knows information about what each victim's address is. However, he also knows a person's make of vehicle.

Among those whom he called, some people report the scammer first determined if it was a man or woman who answered the phone, so that he could refer to them as "Dad" or "Mom."  

Word is being spread around town about the caller, although there are always people who fall for such scams, and you're encouraged to also warn others. 

The criminal allegedly will say something about his nose being broken if he is accused of not sounding like the person's son. He will then proceed to say that he's at the police station and had been in an accident.

The caller will then indicate that he needs your help and will ask you not to tell anyone, seeing as he is allegedly being charged with criminal negligence, or something similar. Those who have challenged him and told him they were on to his scam, have reported that he then becomes threatening and says he knows where they live, and will come for them. The man has done his research, making it sound like he's from the area, and is described as not having a foreign accent of any kind.  

If you have been scammed by the caller, please contact local RCMP.


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Author Alias