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According to recent enrollment statistics from the school board, students within the division have surpassed 3500 for the first time in 25 years. 

A busy calendar year within the Portage la Prairie School Division is about to wrap up when the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve. 

With a new year approaching, Marie Hélène Hoggarth, Chairperson for the school board, caught up with PortageOnline to discuss 2023.

"It's been a busy year," says Hoggarth, highlighting the growth in the division. "All our schools are, sort of, busting at the seams right now. It's been a wonderful year of growth in population for our schools, and it's fairly exciting. We are hoping that, eventually, we can qualify for a new school."

According to recent enrollment statistics from the school board, students within the division have surpassed 3500 for the first time in 25 years. 

Hoggarth highlighted that many changes took place in 2023 that she was proud to see. However, two things stuck out to her: The transition of making École Arthur Meighen a single-track French Immersion school and adding Grade 7 classes to Fort la Reine School.

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Marie Hélène Hoggarth

"There has been lots of hard work and effort made by our teachers and administrators to revisit and reset our schools following the disruption created by COVID. We're still suffering from some of that,  with the young students coming in and lacking social skills. It's hard for the kids to readjust to a routine life."

Hoggarth says she can't wait to see what is in store following the holidays.

"On behalf of the school division, I would like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Enjoy your relaxing break." 

Hoggarth notes the division greatly appreciates the work done by the Senior Administration team, Superintendent Todd Cuddington, Assistant Superintendent Pam Garnham, Johnathan Hyman and Rochelle Rands.

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