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Red River College Polytechnic (RRCP) Portage campus manager Guy Moffat.

With just three days remaining in 2023, Red River College Polytechnic (RRCP) Portage campus manager Guy Moffat is looking in the rear mirror at a year that has come and gone rapidly.

"It's been a very busy year, and it's been a very successful year, "states Moffat. "It is very important to us to keep innovating. A lot of the highest paying careers that there are today weren't a career ten years ago."

Moffat explains that he has been impressed with how smoothly this 2023 went, from showcasing the Portage Innovation Centre to the programs they have introduced around childcare and health care.

"We've been helping employees from MDC transition to upgrade their learning in the event of the closing of that facility, which will allow them to continue to work in our community."

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The campus manager says the additional equipment that has come to the college this past year has helped move the needle of excellence they aim for.

"Now we have a total of three full suite rooms that are designed to both broadcast out to other campuses as well as receive instruction. And we have five light classrooms, so they're less up-to-speed than the full classrooms but still have the capability to both broadcast and receive. So, we're really excited about that."

2023 was the first in-person graduation the college has had since the pandemic put the world on pause. Moffat adds that he can't wait to see more bodies cross the stage in 2024 and head into their field of work, using their RRCP education.

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Author Alias