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Estevan city councillor Travis Frank announced Friday that he will not be seeking another term in the November 2024 municipal election.

”I am so grateful to have been elected to serve the community for the past two terms, starting out as the youngest member known to have been elected to Estevan City Council. Now, as my wife and I shift our focus to growing our respective businesses and our family, I have decided that it is time to let someone new take my seat with fresh new ideas to help move Estevan forward,” he wrote in a news release.

“When I first ran in 2016, I had 3 goals; to improve beautification, to start work on economic development, and continue to reduce our city’s debt.

“Today, the improvements to our city’s beautification are countless, with new murals all across town, improved parks and green spaces, the walking paths, and the upcoming downtown revitalization project make our community a more welcoming and enjoyable place to live.

“Over the past few years we have moved from having no economic development staff or plans. Now we have a thriving team and some of the strongest business incentives in the province. Ec dev is no doubt a long term project, and with the challenges Estevan faces it is definitely an uphill battle, but I truly believe we’re starting to see sunshine through the clouds, and am grateful we have laid the groundwork necessary to see new opportunities come to our corner of the province in the years to come.

“Finally, there is no question our continued strategy of debt repayment has been successful. With just under 40 million in debt in 2016 to a little over 12 million today, while also upgrading almost every city owned facility during that time. My hope is that the community can be debt free by 2030 with our infrastructure in great condition so that as changes to our local economy come, we are prepared and set up for success.

“As we approach the election this November, I’d encourage anyone who’s ever considered running for City Council to reach out to myself or any other member of council to learn more about the roll. This is our city, and there will always be a need for strong community members to step up and offer their insight and ideas to help navigate challenges, grow, and succeed. I am forever grateful to those who have put their trust in me these past 8 years and look forward to new ways I can be of service in the future.”

Author Alias