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Saskatchewan crop commissions are holding their Annual General Meetings in Saskatoon this week.

Yesterday's meetings included Sask Wheat, Sask Barley, Sask Canola, Sask Flax, and Sask Pulse.

On major issues over the last year, the crop commissions along with Sask Oats have come together with one voice "Sask Crops" on key subjects relating to the agriculture sector from proposed changes at PMRA to pre-budget submissions and participation in AAFC's Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Consultation.

We've also seen some of the organizations reducing overhead costs by sharing resources.

On Tuesday, farmers voted in favor of amalgamation at the Sask Flax and Sask Canola AGM's.

Executive Director Tracey Broughton says the discussion started last year adding they started operating as two boards with one staff.

She says the next step will be to work with the Agri-Food Council on what the new governance structure will look like.

"Making sure we have appropriate flax representation, determine what the board size looks like, and then also update regulations so that we can manage the levy of both organizations. We will be tracking each of the levies separately so that we make sure we're putting flax dollars towards flax projects and canola dollars towards canola projects."

Discussions are still underway on what name the new amalgamated board will use.