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Farmers have been busy sending seed samples into seed labs across the prairies to determine the seed vitality for the upcoming growing season.

Knowing the germination and vigor of the seed plays an important role in seeding operations.

Germination refers to the capability of the seed to sprout, while vigour refers to the ability of the seed to establish under stressful conditions.

If numbers for germ and vigour are to low, or the disease numbers are to high farmers may want to look at purchasing seed.

Discovery Seed Labs in Saskatoon put together a report for the Saskatchewan Seed Growers Association.

Sandy Junek, Discovery Seed Labs Molecular Lab Manager telling producers germination rates are very close to what they were last year across all crop kinds. 

"Typically they're very good into the 90s for the most part, which is what we like to see followed with a strong vigor as well. So from germination standpoint crops so far are very good."

Based on the samples from Discovery Seed Labs here is a list of the average germination and vigor levels.

Wheat showed an average germination of 96 per cent with 94 per cent vigor,  while durum came in at 94 per cent germination and 91 per cent vigour.

Barley samples showed the average germination was at 94 per cent with 92 percent vigor,  while flax germination was at 87.5 per cent ( with 20 percent of samples under 85 per cent) and vigour coming in at 82.8 per cent.

The germination level for peas came in at 92 per cent with 90.1 per cent vigour, while lentil came in with 96.1 per cent germination and 92.5 per cent vigour.

Junek says cereal and pulse crop disease are present, but are at manageable levels.

The numbers above are general, farmers should have their seed tested so they know exactly what they are dealing with.

There are several credited seed labs across the province.