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Nathan Keys and family in Northern Ireland
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Nathan Keys and family in Northern Ireland.

Local worship leader Nathan Keys is releasing a new single today titled 'The Way, the Truth, the Life.'

Keys is a worship leader at Southlands Community Church, a Salvation Army congregation, in Winnipeg. He was born and raised initially in Ireland but moved to Canada in 2007. 

"I'm just always drawn to writing songs about God's holiness," says Keys. "I love being able to proclaim that we are set apart for God, and this song is no different."

"Child number two is on the way. I've got a good friend of mine, Bhryden Doherty, he's got a company called Concerts on Request, and we're hoping to do some worship nights in Manitoba over the next few months before the baby arrives."

The duo ran a worship night last Saturday at Joy Fountain Church.

"It was a lovely night of worship and we just want to do more of that. That's my heart as a worship leader, I love being able to have the privilege of leading people to the throne room of God."

Keys is hoping to put out another single later this year and also plans to take time off of singing for a bit after his second child is born. People can find his music wherever music is streamed. 
