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The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association held its semi-annual meeting during the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference this week.

The membership passed seven resolutions including one to address the growing wildlife damage problem that producers are dealing with.

President Garner Deobald says SSGA resolved to lobby Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation to put a monetary value on stockpiled forages-similar to the compensation that is currently available for damaged crops and stack damage. 

The group also resolved to lobby the federal government to review the Health of Animals Regulations to manage the increasing transportation  costs and time in transit to comply with e-log regulations,"

 Deobald says we need to prioritize animal health and welfare in addition to providing flexibility to drivers.

Stock Growers also passed a couple of resolutions relating to the CFIA.

Among the resolutions a call to lobby the federal and provincial governments to compensate producers for feed costs and any other expenses incurred as a result of a CFIA quarantine; and to lobby the federal government to have CFIA include compensation to producers for cleaning and disinfection of any reportable disease.

There's also a call to lobby the federal government in opposition to Bill C-282 which they feel has the potential to limit Canada's participation in future trade agreements.  

And for the SSGA to voice concerns to Ottawa on the government being able to call an emergency and make changes without discussion under Bill C-232 which focuses around a climate emergency action framework.