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A 29-year-old man from White Bear is in custody and facing three counts of assaulting a police officer, along with two counts of attempting to disarm a police officer.

The Estevan Police Service reported that the charges were laid in their list of weekend calls, and that the man will appear in answer to the charges in court "at a later date."

He was not identified.

Other stand-outs from the 45 calls were a 40-year-old Estevan man being arrested and charged for uttering death threats. Police kept the man in cells to protect the victim because of the man's level of intoxication. He was released on a no-contact order early Monday morning.

Police arrested a 20-year-old man following a report of mischief to property. He was released from custody and is due in court in March.

And police reported that the subject of a request-to-locate notice was found in Regina. The man was charged with theft of a motor vehicle and uttering threats. Police say the vehicle will be returned to its owner, and the man is due in Estevan Provincial Court in March.

Author Alias