A recent confirmed case of measles in Saskatoon has doctors reminding residents across the province of how to protect themselves against the virus.
The highly contagious virus can be extremely serious, potentially causing ear infections, pneumonia, brain infections or death.
Medical Health Officer of the southwest for the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA), Dr. David Torr, said while measles is not common for the province, it’s still important to practice precautionary measures.
“Over the years in Saskatchewan and in Canada as a whole, we’ve had good immunization rates that have really prevented the virus from hanging around in our environments,” he said. “In cases like this, somebody comes in from outside of the country having acquired it and they bring the infection in. But it's hard for that infection to spread."
The most effective course of action to avoid contracting the virus is to stay up to date with immunizations. Dr. Torr stressed this especially for children, and all individuals planning to travel out of the province or out of the country.
Symptoms of measles include a high fever, white spots inside the mouth, a severe blotchy rash, red eyes, cough, fatigue, irritability, and a runny nose.
Individuals who were at any of the following locations in Saskatoon during these time periods should monitor for measles symptoms:
Sunday, January 7, 2024 from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- Reitman’s in Stonebridge 3011 Clarence Avenue S
- Dollarama in Stonebridge 3011 Clarence Avenue S
- Walmart in Stonebridge 3035 Clarence Avenue S
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- 1st Floor Arts Building Café, 9 Campus Drive (University of Saskatchewan)
Tuesday, January 16 from 7:00 a.m. to 09:30 a.m.
- Royal University Hospital Adult Emergency waiting room
The SHA has a number of resources on hand hygiene and gauging when to keep children home from school.