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The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan announced 14 new charges against Dr. Mehdi Horri, who practises in Estevan, on its website January 20.

From the website, here are the allegations - which have not been proven - against Horri.

1. performed a surgical procedure in regard to [PATIENT #1] without adequate prior investigation and/or without obtaining an opinion from a surgeon, and/or thereby did not maintain the standard of practice of the profession.

2. performed a surgical procedure in an office setting unsuited for the procedure and/or did not apply sufficient clinical knowledge or surgical skill to the performance of the procedure, and/or therefore did not maintain the standard of practice of the profession.

3. did not obtain informed consent for the surgical procedure performed on [PATIENT #1] and/or therefore did not maintain the standard of practice of the profession.

4. did not provide adequate postoperative instructions and timely postoperative care to [PATIENT #1]and/or therefore did not maintain the standard of practice of the profession.

5. did not have a chaperone present during a procedure with female patient [PATIENT #1], contrary to your 2018 Undertaking with the College

6. altered medical records related to [PATIENT #1] after becoming aware of a College investigation into your conduct with that patient.

7. performed a rectal examination on [PATIENT #2] that was not medically indicated.

8. did not have a chaperone present during a procedure with female patient [PATIENT #2]., contrary to your 2018 Undertaking with the College.

9. altered medical records related to [PATIENT #2] after becoming aware of a College investigation into your conduct with that patient.

10. inappropriately touched and/or made comments on a female patient’s genitals during an examination. The evidence that will be led in support of this charge will include one or more of the following:

  • 1) On or about July 14th, 2022, you had a patient encounter with [PATIENT #3], a female patient.
  • 2) During the course of a pap smear procedure, you pinched the patient’s labia between your fingers, moved the labia back and forth, and/or asked whether the patient had ever considered surgery to remove the excess, or words to that effect.
  • 3) The specific touching you conducted was not medically indicated and/or not consented to by the patient.

11. altered medical records related to [PATIENT #3] after becoming aware of a College investigation into your conduct with that patient.

12. harassed and/or encouraged a potential witness in a College investigation into your conduct to provide false information. The evidence that will be led in support of this charge will include one or more of the following:

  • 1) On or about December 24th, 2022, you had been advised that the College was investigating your conduct and that a potential interim suspension of your ability to practise would be considered.
  • 2) In a text message conversation on or about December 24th, 2022, you told a potential witness to the investigation that “all they need to hear is that I see my female patients with a chaperone. That’s it and that’s all”. Dr. Mehdi HORRI 4
  • 3) After further conversation by text message, the potential witness asked you “so lie?” and you responded: “Yes this is not the time to think about integrity.”
  • 4) On or about December 27th, 2022, you sent the potential witness information from your lawyer indicating that you may be suspended by the College, then asked the potential witness whether they “still think these people deserve honesty”.

13. failed to maintain appropriate medical records for your patients [PATIENT #1], [PATIENT #2], and/or [PATIENT #3].

14. had encounters with female patients without a chaperone present, contrary to your 2018 Undertaking with the College.

Horri's record with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan was revoked in 2017, and suspended twice, including last year.

Author Alias