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The Estevan Police Service issued a warning to a homeowner Monday after a break-and-enter complaint was determined to be unfounded.

Police said in a release that they were called to a residence on the south end of the city. Investigation on the scene indicated that the complainant was the one who had damaged her home.

Police also reported the following calls from the first part of this week:


Police attended to a two-vehicle collision in the Hillside area. No injuries were reported and one vehicle was required to be towed from the scene.

Police attended to a report of a domestic disturbance. Members attended and were able to mediate the situation. No further police involvement was required.

Police conducted a curfew check where the person is required to remain in their residence 24 hours a day as per their release conditions. They did not present themselves at the door and charges are pending.


Police arrested and charged a 43-year-old Oxbow female for impaired driving by drug after a complaint was received.  Her driver’s license was suspended indefinitely and the vehicle she was operating was impounded for 30 days. She will appear in court in March to answer the charges.

Police arrested a 23-year-old Saskatoon male for mischief after a complaint from a local hotel. He was lodged in cells and will appear in court at a later date.

Members arrested a 33-year-old male for causing a disturbance at the hospital. The male was lodged in cells and will be released later today.

Author Alias