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(File photo) This year, every RM within the Redboine Watershed District is eligible for funding. Hunnie said a lot of landowners weren't able to tap into these funds before, but now, they all can. 

The Redboine Watershed District has money available for farmers, landowners, and producers, and wants them to know how to get their hands on it.

"We are offering funding workshops to landowners to attend for free," explained Jennifer Hunnie, project coordinator for the Redboine Watershed District.

The workshops cover many different activities related to anything from nitrogen management practices, rotational grazing practices, water retention projects, erosion mitigation, and shelterbelts, noted Hunnie. 

"Do you have a water retention project? Do you want to plant trees? Do you have some erosion issues on your land that need, you know, some help with, and you need some guidance and some funding to help solve the problems? We are here for you, and you can contact us." 

Why should landowners attend the workshops?

"They should attend because we have tons of funding available. We have continuous stable annual funding available to landowners and farmers. So, you want to get out here, and you want to check out these workshops. Because I'm going to tell you all about the different funds, what they can help support in your conservation practices, in your Land Management practices, in your farming practices"

Hunnie said they are there to help landowners walk through the application process for the different funding.

The Reboine Watershed District started the funding workshops for landowners last year, and Hunnie said it's now turned into an annual initiative for the District.

This year, every RM within the Redboine Watershed District is eligible for funding. Hunnie said a lot of landowners weren't able to tap into these funds before, but now, they all can. 

"So I'm trying to get out to every single RM, as well as the different areas of our watershed, to try and reach out to every single person that can, you know, take on these applications and hopefully get some funding."

Hunnie said the workshops have been a great experience. "I think people are really shocked to learn how much funding that we do have out there. A lot of them are not aware of all the opportunities that we can assist them with, and all the projects that we can assist them with"

Upcoming workshops will be held in Carman (Feb 7th), La Salle & St Agathe (Feb 8th), Miami & Darlingford (Feb 12th), Elm Creek & Oakville (Feb 13th), Virtual (Feb 20), St Francis Xavier & Warren (Feb 22nd).

Click HERE to find full details.

Author Alias