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Morden Multicultural Winterfest - 4 girls from Mexico

Morden's Multicultural Winterfest keeps evolving and growing.

The annual event took place Saturday throughout the city. 

Winterfest Committee Chair Shelly Voth says many people enjoyed the variety of themed pavilions, each featuring different music, entertainment, food, displays, and more.

Voth noted she was happy to see a lot of people this year use the bus service to travel from pavilion to pavilion.

"I think it's exactly what we were expecting," said Voth. "The numbers have been good all day, we're happy with the amount of people that have come, and things have moved fairly smoothly."

Voth noted they also opened pavilions earlier in the day to extend the experience.

When reflecting on Winterfest, Voth said her favorite part is seeing the cultures mingling with one another.

 "There's so many people that have lived in Morden all their lives that this opens their eyes to their neighbors and the people that are living around them."

~ with files from Robyn Wiebe ~


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