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Lili Krushel (L) and Ashley Perry
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Lili Krushel (L) and Ashley Perry

The Winkler & District Chamber of Commerce has welcomed a new member to its team.
Executive Director Tanya Chateauneuf says the new hire was needed to fill the role left by the departure of Ashley Perry.

"We have had the privilege of having Ashley Perry work with us for the last 2 1/2 years. She has been such an incredible addition."

Chateauneuf said Perry took on a lot of the social media and member relations side of things for the Chamber, adding she did a fantastic job. 

"So, we're really sad to see her go, but we wish her the best as she moves forward in her career. And we're pleased to welcome  Lili Krushel to our team here at the Chamber."

Chateauneuf says Lili Krushel is a business owner herself and is dialed into what business owners currently need. "I'm excited to put her to good use here at the Chamber."

Meanwhile, the Chamber will be holding its annual meeting on February 22nd. 

Chateauneuf says there are still tickets available for the luncheon, where Winkler Mayor Henry Siemens will also deliver his state of the city address."We still have some opportunity for tickets to be purchased, so you can reach out to Lili or myself here at the Chamber office to purchase tickets."

The Chamber has a lot of workshops planned for the year, and Chateauneuf encourages members to keep an eye out for information on those. "Reach out to us and let us know what you have going on with your business," she added.

Chateauneuf says they're always curious to know what's happening, as they want to ensure they stay on top of the needs of their members

Author Alias