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(Photo courtesy of Government of Canada website)
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(Photo courtesy of Government of Canada website)

Several brands of eggs sold in Saskatchewan have been recalled as a result of potential Salmonella contamination. 

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued the recall, and there have been no reported illnesses so far. 

Eggs with lot codes impacted include the following: 

-Compliments Large Size Eggs (12 Eggs, code: 2024MR14 S-21)

-Harman Medium Size Eggs (12 Eggs, code: 2024MR28 S-21)

-Star Egg Extra Large Size Eggs (15 Dozen Eggs, code: 2024MR07 S-21)

-Star Egg Large Size Eggs (60 Eggs, codes: 2024MR07; 2024MR14; 2024MR21; 2024AL04; 2024AL19)

-Star Egg Medium Size Eggs (15 Dozen Eggs, code: 2024MR21 S-21)

-No Name Large Size White Eggs (30 Eggs, codes: 2024MR07; 2024MR14; 2024MR21; 2024AL04; 2024AL19)

You can find a full list of the lot codes for the impacted products on the Government of Canada website here.  

Salmonella can cause vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and headache, among other symptoms. Anyone who thinks they have gotten ill from a recalled product should seek medical attention. 

If you have one of the affected lot codes, you should either throw out the eggs or take them back to the store they were purchased from.

Author Alias