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Parkland Elementary School Library Technician Kristine Heinrichs
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Parkland Elementary School Library Technician Kristine Heinrichs

The library technician at Winkler's Parkland Elementary School says she has always considered herself an avid reader.
While visiting the school on Tuesday to read to grade two and three students along with Friesens Marketing Manager, Pamela Hiebert, reporter Pam Fedack asked Kristine Heinrichs what she likes to read.

"Free verse is my absolute favorite and they are written kind of like a poem. They're quick reads. Kids love them because they're quick to read, They're good stories, they're very action-packed. So those would be my favorite," Heinrichs. and probably the love of helping kids find the book that they want is the best part of this job. 

When she sees a student find the love of reading, and she sees the sparkle in their eyes when they finish a book to the end and they want the next one, Heinrichs says "That's the best."

What kind of books are students at Parkland Elementary School in Winkler craving to read? 

"The big question is I need a good book," replied Heinrichs. "But we have lots of good books. We have 16,000 books in this room. It's everything. They love graphic novels. They love anything funny and adventure."

Despite the boom of the digital world around them, Heinrichs said students are still seeking reading material,

Heinrichs said the digital world has changed things, but books have changed, too, to go with the digital world. "There are lots of books with a lot of pictures and even books about Minecraft or Roblox or whatever it is that draws kids in. It's all about just finding the love of reading."

Author Alias