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Telemiracle 47 took place at Saskatoon's Prairieland Park in 2023. (Photo: Colin Powers)

The 48th Annual Kinsmen and Kinettes TeleMiracle is on this weekend. 

The “Countdown to TeleMiracle” will be viewable online here starting at 6:15 p.m. tonight, with the 20-hour telethon running from 9 p.m. until 5 p.m. on Sunday. 

Seventy-five acts from across Saskatchewan will be performing for TeleMiracle as viewers “Ring Those Phones”, including Swift Current's Kylie Stock.  

“Some are going to be pre-taped, but we do have just over 20 live Sask talent performing this year,” said Tyler Hall, chair of TeleMiracle 48.  

“We have 10 National cast coming, and we have the house band coming back. All the National cast will be performing live right on stage.”

Donations from TeleMiracle go to the Kinsmen Foundation, which gives the funds to Saskatchewan residents who need to travel for medical treatment or need financial help with purchasing medical equipment.  

“Last year we had over 1000 applicants that got approved for TeleMiracle funding,” added Hall.

The Swift Current Kinettes will be making an on-air presentation of their local fundraising totals at approximately 8:56 a.m. on Sunday morning. 

The event will be broadcast from the Viterra International Trade Centre in REAL District in Regina, with almost 200 people in their live audience. It can be seen on CTV across Saskatchewan or livestreamed on the TeleMiracle website.

TeleMiracle has raised over $159 million since they first launched in 1977.  

Author Alias