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As February draws to a close, pet owners from across the region have once again showcased their beloved furry companions in the running for the title of Perfect Pet. This month has seen pleasant weather and unique occurrences with it being a leap year, adding an extra day to the calendar.

Pet enthusiasts submitted a delightful array of entries, each portraying the special bond between humans and their animal companions. From cuddly cats to playful pups, the submissions reflect the diversity and charm of our local pet community.


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Piper may only have one brain cell, but she is the sweetest and silliest cat. She has quite the fan club on my social media. Piper gets lots of compliments on her "makeup/eyeliner". Seriously, how lucky is she that she's always ready to go out? Flawless makeup 24/7. And for 10 years old, she still has the energy of a kitten. Seriously, best kitty ever.


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Kokanee enjoying the mud on the farm. The sweetest coyote farm dog in Southern Saskatchewan.


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Today we lost a battle with a porcupine on the farm. Diesel was calm, cool and collective the whole time even after all the quills to the face.


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Nova is a recent addition to our little family. She is a big ball of energy with an even bigger personality. Nova has a heart of gold and loves giving kisses to everyone she meets! Nova is the biggest Daddy’s girl and is always up for some cuddles on the couch. She is not a huge fan of baths, but loves splashing and playing with the water in her bowl! When Nova isn’t busy playing with her toys, she enjoys long naps in the sun or right by mom and dad’s feet.


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He like walking.and hanging out with is family!


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Ebz is a 3 1/2 year old male pitbull boxer who doesn’t believe he is a dog. He enjoys sleeping on anything but the floor, even dad’s work bag. His new favourite is rolling his window down when he wants it down, so now we play window tag.


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My cat Nova is the best animal in the entire world! She once saved me from a gang of murderous ninjas! They busted down my door saying I owed them money. 12 black clad men surrounded me in my own living room! When the leader announced "your debt will be paid with your life!" It was at this time Nova burst from the closet engaging in hand to paw combat. The battle raged on 5 minutes until the second in command realized they were actually looking for someone in weyburn. Turn out they were pretty nice guys, they paid for the door and left. Still I would have been in real trouble if it wasn't for the little furball!


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He is the biggest cuddler, he is the most gentle giant and wouldn’t hurt a fly, other than the amount of hair he sheds constantly he is a great house dog and loves his brother Cyprus.


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He is a hyper energetic kitten that loves food and loves to play he is only 2months old his birthday is November 10th 2023.


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She is a supper sweet dog and loves to play and Is only a year old.


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Buddy is a 10 year old Russian blue male cat ..buddy always love to be center off attention.. he always loves to voice his opinion.. whether ur in the kitchen cooking or watching tv he's gotta be there trying to have a conversation with u .. he loves to show his affection by head bunting u or giving u a good old body slam lol he's also a great cuddler he also loves to get his photo taken.


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Bugsy is a three year old Boston Terrier. Bugsy loves people, treats walks and something to chew.


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Hoss is the most loving member of our family. At 8 years old he still loves to play with squeaky toys and is very punctual with his treats at 7 pm daily. He over to go for truck rides and very much prefers to ride shotgun. Can’t imagine la day without him.


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Red is 4 going on 5. He’s half blue heeler half Australian shepherd. Very well trained and excellent yard guard at my acerage. The photo I’m submitting is from the result of a game of fetch that got a little out of hand. As you can see in the photo nothing can break his spirit.


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Millie is an 8 year old chocolate lab/pointer. Millie is a sweet girl who is very loved. She always gives cuddles, love to swim, & eat food!


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Benny is a 2 year old Pomeranian. He loves to play with friends and being on the farm.


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Big lovable doofus


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Hazel is a 4 month old terrier cross. She is a smart, has a huge personality and is very playful. She is currently taking puppy training classes and is catching on quickly. She sits, loves to run around the house chasing her toys, comes running when her name is called and her favourite thing is cuddles. She is always happy and has been a great addition to our household.


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Miss Foxy is a drama queen in her own accord!! She is a feisty 51/2 month old . We enjoy watching her grow and discover new things .. as of right now she loves looking out the windows and checking out the world Roxy style!!


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She was born with a deformed front paw however this doesn’t slow her down at all. As you can see in her picture she can run like the wind.


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Callie is a pretty easy going dog.She loves to play with her friends.She loves to go for walks and use that nose of hers. She is the best snuggler and always knows when you need extra attention. She has been the best addition to my family. She is showing off her Valentine's card that her big sister found for me.

Tomorrow morning, February 27, Dawn Klassen will join the show in the 8 o'clock hour to announce the winner of this month's contest. The lucky recipient will receive the coveted prize of two $50 gift cards, courtesy of All Creatures and Rodeo Dawg.

Stay tuned as we reveal the winner and celebrate the joy that pets bring to our lives!
