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A more welcoming space is being opened in Cochrane by the Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network.

In April, a new, more welcoming space will be opened by the Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network (PCN) for Cochrane residents.

The free services of the four-member Cochrane health team will be located at #5 201 Grande Blvd., close to its current location at 100 Grande Blvd.

"It will be more comfortable, clinic rooms, soundproof for privacy," says Jake Jennings, Calgary Foothills PCN executive director. "There's a group room for class clinics and we built in some capacity for future growth if we get the opportunity to do that."

Their health professionals in Cochrane are available to assist with primary care needs ranging from helping to create a care plan for a healthier lifestyle, to helping with medication management and supporting mental health.

The team includes behavioural health consultants, a health management nurse and clinical pharmacist who can help:

  • Set goals for a healthier lifestyle – health management nurse is available to set achievable health goals – like increasing physical activity, testing for memory concerns or accessing support for conditions such as diabetes, high-blood pressure or high-cholesterol. 
  • Improve mental health – behavioural health consultants and health management nurses can help clients cope with stress, anxiety or depression. They work to improve overall emotional, social and mental well-being.
  • Understand prescriptions – the clinical pharmacist helps to understand prescriptions, supplements and vitamins. They can also work with setting health goals, such as weight management or quitting smoking.

"All these services are free of charge for use and they're barrier free as well," explains Jennings, "So you can get access to them either by talking to your physician who can do a referral, or by referring yourself by phone or online going to our website at www.cfpcn.ca."

Updates on the opening of the new location will be available at their website. There, you can also learn of all the health supports available through PCN.
