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Georgia Friesen

Georgia Friesen is proof that when you put your mind to something, success will naturally follow.

A high school student at Green Valley School in Grunthal, Georgia recently earned her spot on the Providence Club Pilots Volleyball team, and as Providence University’s High School Athlete of the Month

Volleyball has been Georgia’s sport since the beginning, and her passion, dedication, and hard work have led her to greatness.

“Volleyball is a therapeutic outlet for me,” says Georgia. But, “in the past, I wasn’t super confident in my abilities. I didn’t think I would ever play for a college.”

But now, with her place on the team, Georgia is looking forward to her future in sports.

“Last year, I won the All Star Award at provincials, which was super encouraging,” she reflects, and she’s excited to continue growing her skills, building strong relationships with the people she meets along the way, and most importantly, having fun.

“It just makes me really happy,” she says, “And I know a lot of people are proud of me.”

While it’s evident that Georgia’s passion, skill, and talent helped her get to where she is today, she recognizes that nothing is possible without a strong support system.

“I’m super proud of how far I’ve come, but I wouldn’t be where I am today without my mom and dad, Gill and Kara Friesen,” she says. “So, thank you for that!” she adds with a laugh, adding further thanks to her grandparents and brothers, as well as Bonnie Loewen and Mya Westwood.

She also offers a special shout out to Caitlin Hart:

“She's been huge in my life and growth and development,” says Georgia. “She was my coach in Grade 8 and she has coached me for many years since, and will also be an assistant coach this coming fall at Prov.”

When she’s not at volleyball practice or doing schoolwork, Georgia is still on the move with a part-time job, playing piano for her praise and worship team, and lifeguarding and teaching swimming lessons in the summer.

“Sometimes it can be overwhelming,” she admits, “But I'm not the type of person to just sit around and be lazy. I like to keep active and work hard. It’s worth pushing through to reach your goals, as long as you’re having fun in the process.”

Congratulations, Georgia!

Embrace your passion at Providence University, Manitoba’s leading Christian University. Check out their programs and learn how you can make a difference!

Author Alias