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The provincial government has given a few hints about what will be included in the budget that is set to be delivered this afternoon, and one more was hinted at during Question Period in the Legislature yesterday. 

Earlier this month, Premier Scott Moe announced the budget would include the largest ever amount for operating budgets for school divisions across the province. The amount, $2.2 billion, would be buoyed by a $180 million increase from the 2023-24 budget, and would also have $356 million earmarked for classroom supports. 

Then, during the SARM convention in Regina last week, Moe announced the Municipal Revenue Sharing grants would total $340.2 million. This is an increase from the previous year and is based on a formula calculated on PST revenue from the 2022-23 fiscal year. 

During Question Period yesterday, the opposition NDP was criticizing the current debt of the province, noting it has increased by roughly $17 billion since Moe became premier in 2018. The issue was addressed by Finance Minister Donna Harpauer, who the day before said the reason for debt was to build out infrastructure. 

Yesterday, she noted that in the last budget under an NDP government, back in 2007, the press release touted $400 million in capital spending was a highlight, and a new record. 

"You're going to see a capital spend ten times that amount, Mr. Speaker, because this government is investing in roads, is investing in hospitals, is investing in schools, Mr. Speaker," Harpauer said. "The NDP never invested in any of that. They closed schools. They closed hospitals. They let the highways crumble. We're planning for growth."

The budget, which is the last budget to be tabled before the provincial election, will be delivered by Harpauer in the Legislature this afternoon. 

Author Alias