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Souris River water levels
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A quick look at the forecast from Environment Canada would have many people leaping for joy. Temperatures are expected to be downright beautiful, right through the weekend.  

“It does look, for the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, likely into Monday time period, we’re going to see daytime highs into the high teens, or possibly the low 20s,” forecasted Justin Shelley. He is a meteorologist with Environment Canada. He did note the projected daytime high of Saturday, 25°, may be a little optimistic, but temperatures will be around 10 degrees above normal for this time of year.  

If the mercury does manage to climb to 25° on Saturday, though, it would set a new record, eclipsing the mark for April 13th set back in 1958.  

Around this time last year, a forecast of above-average temperatures was also on the horizon for the southeast. However, the area would end up receiving the largest snowfall ever recorded in one day just a week later, with 61 centimetres falling. What are the chances of that happening again? 

“Looking at the longer range, we’re actually looking at a potential system in a week or two that could bring some additional snowfall to the region,” Shelley said. “Just looking at the climatological normals, we still typically see about eight centimetres of snow in the month of April for the Weyburn area, and about five centimetres in the month of May.” 

Shelley added that the models at this time are unclear if the precipitation would fall as snow, or if it would fall as rain.

Author Alias