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Main Street in Winkler

Council for the City of Winkler has approved its feasibility study on public transportation. The stamp of approval was given during Tuesday's regular public meeting.

Deputy Mayor Andrew Froese says the study was done with much public input throughout the last year and a half.
Through the study, the City found they have a good proposed Transit Progression Strategy, added Froese. Over time, the strategy will see the council undertake a few phases.

Based on the study, it's been determined the initiative will begin with a Home to Hub, a subsidized rideshare program. Froese says this doesn't mean the details are all figured out yet, but they now know this is where they will start.

With the initial subsidized rideshare program, Froese said they will gather information along the way. The collected data will help them determine the next step to take.
Froese says they have identified some of the likely next steps in their feasibility study, however, he said if they find the collected data doesn't agree, they will adapt.

Money was set aside in the city's budget to start a form of public transportation. The hope is to have the program going before the end of the year.

Froese says they want this initiative to be affordable for all residents, and even more so for regular users and riders.

Author Alias