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STF President Samantha Becotte (Photo courtesy of STF)

Teachers will be voting on the offer given by the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee (GTBC) on May 8 and May 9. 

Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) President, Samantha Becotte, held a press conference this morning, saying that the GTBC referred to the offer as a “final offer” many times during two days of negotiations.  

“There was little to no movement on many of the items at the table over the last two days, despite the Teachers’ Bargaining Committee’s attempts to reach a tentative agreement,” said Becotte.  

“The GTBC was clear that what was being offered was their final offer. We pushed back several times, and we heard it repeated.” 

Included in the 3-year agreement on offer are salary increases retroactive to September 2023 that are three percent in years one and two, and two per cent in year three of the agreement, as well as the inclusion of a line to ensure the accountability framework for the Multi-Year Funding Agreement would be honoured and followed. 

“In addition to that, outside of the collective agreement, there was an agreement to have a Letter of Undertaking signed by the chair of the GTBC. This letter would contain items outside of bargaining that would address some of the proposals that teachers have brought forward.” 

“Unfortunately, as we have talked about with concerns around items outside of bargaining with classroom complexity, anything within the letter of undertaking would be non-binding, and there is no dispute resolution process.” 

Becotte said they will be sharing information and answering questions about the offer with members. She added that the bargaining process has damaged relationships between teachers and government, regardless of the outcome of the vote.  

She added that she is not going to advise Saskatchewan’s 13,500 teachers to vote in a specific way on the agreement. “We deal in facts at the STF, and we will be presenting those facts to members, and allowing them the opportunity to weigh the benefits and the consequences or potential risks or voting in favour or voting against and come to an informed decision on their own.” 

Don Hoium, chair of the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee, provided the following press release this morning: 

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee have reached a tentative agreement. The STF has agreed to take the offer to its membership for ratification.  

The tentative agreement includes a three-year term, providing stability to the education sector, enhancements to teachers’ benefits package, and inclusion of an accountability framework in the agreement.  

The GTBC feels this is a fair and reasonable agreement that will benefit Saskatchewan students, teachers, and families.  

The 2024-2025 budget from the Government of Saskatchewan said that issues of classroom size and complexity would be addressed with $356.6 million earmarked for classroom supports. 

Included in this funding was $2.5 million towards the Teacher Innovation and Support Fund, meant to enhance classrooms in terms of academics, safety, or wellness. Teachers can apply to the fund for up to $75,000. To date, 41 projects have been approved through the fund amounting to $1.5 million. 

Author Alias