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A new multi-family building under construction on Victoria Street in Winkle
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A new multi-family building under construction on Victoria Street in Winkler

First quarter numbers have been released for the MSTW Planning District, and activity is very similar to the same time last year.
General Manager Glen Wieler shares what's happening in the City of Morden.

"The biggest difference is early in 2023, the school project (École Discovery Trails) was started, which was a $44 million project. So right off the hop, the numbers are skewed from 23 to 24," said Wieler. "You take that project out and we're very similar in the permits taken out, and the value of the work taken out for the first three months of the year."

Building activity has also remained steady in Winkler, including within the Industrial Park. "There's a big expansion there. Icon Technologies is doing a big expansion. That's a huge project in that area."

Wieler said they're also seeing a lot of multi-family builds underway, including apartments, nine-plex, and twelve-plexes happening.

"That is good for the area because we need the housing. We can see some of the projects are up already. So, driving around the various areas of Winkler, you see these projects happening."

Wieler noted they're starting to see some more action in the RM of Stanley.

During the first quarter, Wieler said they often don't know what's going to happen because it is early in the season and people are thinking of projects. "They're asking questions, they're seeing what's the right fit. And once we get into April, May, then a lot of those projects start going." 

Overall, Wieler said they continue to see more activity within the multi-family sector. 

"The single-family dwellings, we're not seeing a lot of activity there yet and for a few reasons, I guess just the cost of building is very high and the cost of borrowing is high as well. Those two combined take a segment of the population, unfortunately, out of the market for a new house," added Wieler.

Author Alias